Friday, October 31, 2008

Just Call me Contrary Mary......

So it's Halloween, and I'm so not into the 'holiday' mood, it's ridiculous. I don't have my costume all put together, and I can't even force myself to care. I just want to sleeeeeeeeeep!!!!! And I need to go to work, and do some homework, but I can't force myself to do that either....I think I have seasonal affect disorder. Or something. definitely something.
Mykle is downstairs dyeing his Halloween costume purple and green.....He also shaved, and looks like he is 14, so that is funny.....Just to recap on the roomie situation this morning, I was laying on the couch being lazy, Mykle was playing with dye and makeup while watching cartoons, Jamie was working/doing homework, and Brandi was watching tv and giving me a donut. I feel like this is a really good representation of our personalities, and I kinda love it.
We carved pumpkins last night while watching Grey's and it was fun. Grey's makes my heart happy like no other thing ever, including people (perhaps an exaggeration, but only a slight one....). I am going to steal pumpkin pictures from kae, and when I have those, I will post them so Brandi and Krystal can look at them, since you two are the only ones reading this anyway.
In recent news, I am going to go vote today....I wonder who I will choose.....I think I'm leaning slightly toward the candidate not endorsed by the worst President in American history....just a thought.

Wednesday, October 29, 2008

life is funny, but so are my friends.

So, I think there is some switch in my brain that makes me go a little unstable when I can't control or predict would be very easy to say "stupid boys!" and leave it at that, but since no boy did anything wrong, well, that wouldn't be too fair, now would it? I had a long conversation tonight with one of my besties, Matt, about relationships and how the beginning or end of a relationship can ruin the most logical person's brain. The whole conversation is funny to me because people usually assume that relationship opinions are split down gender lines, but Matt and I pretty much agreed on everything. It is also funny to me that the three best guys I know are always single. Weird.

So, the moral of my story is that I think I am not good with uncertainty. And Matty is a good enough boy to tell me that is okay.

In unrelated news, I think my roommates are going to kick me out of the house because this is what the landing looks like:

Except they are all on the floor, and they are almost all mine.

The nicest, sweetest woman I know just sent me an email saying:

"Chick on cell: He's had his dick in me, but I worry it would be out of line to Facebook friend him. Modern life is so weird."

This overheard is the new motto for my life.

Tuesday, October 28, 2008

We pushed a button and elected him to office.....

I just saw the movie "W" and I'm not quite sure how to form my reactions. I'm shocked at how empathetic Oliver Stone was in depicting W......As much as I disagree with him and generally dislike him, I genuinely feel for the poor guy. Apparently I'm not immune to ANY story in which a parent is dysfunctional or inappropriate. That being said, I have to say one of my big problems with the movie is the extent to which everyone around Geourge W Bush is blamed for the mistakes in his presidency. There is no doubt that many people in this administration have made awful decisions, but let's not take the focus entirely off the person that is ultimately accountable. I think Stone may have been TOO sympathetic to bush's plight.......The fact that a liberal filmmaker made such a movie kind of surprises me, but at the same time speaks to the idea that every situation has multiple truths (even if we all know MINE is the right one).
Weird tidbit - the movie had several former cast members of ER. Funny.
Also - the actress that played Condi Rice needs an award. She freaking hit that right on the head.
to break up the seriousness here, let me say that I have some great news. Three months after moving, I found my Burberry perfume!!!!!!!!!!! Seriously, it was like fate or something else equally ridiculous. I went to an old backpack, opened it up, moved three things and found it, like my hand was drawn to it. Clearly I wanted to smell good today.

Virgin Blogger......

So, this is my first blog and I'm kind of nervous. I hope you don't think I did it wrong......I'm just inexperienced, you see. I've decided I need to do this because I couldn;t fit all of my status updates onto facebook, and I think that is a sign that a blog is necessary. I am sitting at my practicum and am bored to tears, so naturally I created a blog. The title is in deference to my lovelies and our band that is clearly world famous - Miscommunication. Since I named it this, I feel obligated to give one example of miscommunication that I had to deal with ALREADY today. Quiet talkers drive me nuts. I'm 23 and in reasonably good health (well, usually...I happen to be hungover today). If I can't hear you, you need to speak the fuck up!!!

While those quiet talkers are an ongoing problem that I remain dedicated to killing off, I want you to rest assured that is not the only thing I will cover here. There are many other things, like how I learned last night pumpkin spice beer is NOT as good as it sounds, that my friends from the hospital rock my world, and that a lemon drop shot does not mix with diet coke.

Here is a list of things I am excited for in the upcoming future:

Carving pumpkins on Thursday!

Halloween on Friday!

Seeing W tonight.....

Dinner Wednesday night with my old practicum buddies


May (aka graduation)

And, just because I thought it was hilarious, check out the Palin Conversation/Debate Flow Chart....

I just sneezed 6 times, so I think that is a sign I should stop. This could be addictive.....