Friday, October 31, 2008

Just Call me Contrary Mary......

So it's Halloween, and I'm so not into the 'holiday' mood, it's ridiculous. I don't have my costume all put together, and I can't even force myself to care. I just want to sleeeeeeeeeep!!!!! And I need to go to work, and do some homework, but I can't force myself to do that either....I think I have seasonal affect disorder. Or something. definitely something.
Mykle is downstairs dyeing his Halloween costume purple and green.....He also shaved, and looks like he is 14, so that is funny.....Just to recap on the roomie situation this morning, I was laying on the couch being lazy, Mykle was playing with dye and makeup while watching cartoons, Jamie was working/doing homework, and Brandi was watching tv and giving me a donut. I feel like this is a really good representation of our personalities, and I kinda love it.
We carved pumpkins last night while watching Grey's and it was fun. Grey's makes my heart happy like no other thing ever, including people (perhaps an exaggeration, but only a slight one....). I am going to steal pumpkin pictures from kae, and when I have those, I will post them so Brandi and Krystal can look at them, since you two are the only ones reading this anyway.
In recent news, I am going to go vote today....I wonder who I will choose.....I think I'm leaning slightly toward the candidate not endorsed by the worst President in American history....just a thought.

1 comment:

her said...

it kind of sounds like you need to come to my house for some motivation. i've been to the dentist, i bought a boa and cigarette holder for my costume, and i went to the gym. i don't know why i'm telling you all of this. actually, all of that was non-traditional procrastination because i have many other things that i should seriously be doing and one of them is not going outside to play with bama which is what i'm going to do right now. i hope you start getting excited for tonight or i will pinch your nose.