Sunday, November 16, 2008

Clothes, Money, Hello Kitty, and jelly beans

So, one of my besties gave me ALOT of advice tonight about relationships. Here it allllll is, unfiltered. Please read and comment. (That means you too, BNM!!!)

matt says (11:15 PM):
trust me this is what u do
matt says (11:15 PM):
hang out steady for a few weeks
matt says (11:15 PM):
then go a few days without him
matt says (11:15 PM):
u will know then
Rachel's Laptop says (11:15 PM):
haha i will go a whole month without him
Rachel's Laptop says (11:15 PM):
in india
Rachel's Laptop says (11:16 PM):
i do have to say the cuddling is good to have back
matt says (11:17 PM):
isnt it
matt says (11:17 PM):
matt says (11:17 PM):
make that ur test
matt says (11:17 PM):
i have homework for u
Rachel's Laptop says (11:17 PM):
whats that
matt says (11:17 PM):
i want u to invest 110% of yourself in this until India
matt says (11:18 PM):
have fun with syed
matt says (11:18 PM):
and spend time doing stuff that builds u guys up
matt says (11:18 PM):
after India if he is not the person u want to see first and the person u miss most of all
matt says (11:18 PM):
u will know
Rachel's Laptop says (11:19 PM):
ok, what if he is that for me, but im not for him? this test could work both ways
matt says (11:20 PM):
matt says (11:20 PM):
then move the fuck on down the road
matt says (11:20 PM):
at least u know
Rachel's Laptop says (11:21 PM):
i guess so
Rachel's Laptop says (11:21 PM):
im still weary about investing too much into it
matt says (11:21 PM):
stop being dumb
Rachel's Laptop says (11:22 PM):
hahahaha matty i love you
matt says (11:22 PM):
u could always give up a successful doctor and go back to sewer rat kevin
matt says (11:22 PM):
fucking wake up u need to look at this as opportunity
matt says (11:22 PM):
this is the future my friend
matt says (11:22 PM):
unless he gives u an out right reason to shut it down dont go looking for one
Rachel's Laptop says (11:23 PM):
Rachel's Laptop says (11:23 PM):
how about the fact that we are only hanging out like twice a week?
Rachel's Laptop says (11:23 PM):
i mean, admittedly, he is a doctor and kinda busy
matt says (11:23 PM):
oh jesus enter the woman
Rachel's Laptop says (11:23 PM):
matt says (11:23 PM):
we arent hanging out enough
matt says (11:23 PM):
then u see each other 7 days a week
matt says (11:24 PM):
and we are hanging out too much
matt says (11:24 PM):
im going to hit u
Rachel's Laptop says (11:24 PM):
i would be happy with 4
Rachel's Laptop says (11:24 PM):
lol no you wont
matt says (11:24 PM):
this is not a fucking job
matt says (11:24 PM):
u dont just put hours in
matt says (11:24 PM):
Rachel's Laptop says (11:24 PM):
i want you to know i am saving this conversation b/c i love it and you so much.
matt says (11:24 PM):
rachel i know its hard as a woman to have vision but just think of the possibilities
Rachel's Laptop says (11:25 PM):
Rachel's Laptop says (11:25 PM):
matt says (11:25 PM):
no u fucking moron
matt says (11:25 PM):
like a half million dollar home
matt says (11:25 PM):
and a best friend
matt says (11:25 PM):
im a business man
matt says (11:25 PM):
u have to recognize opportunity
Rachel's Laptop says (11:26 PM):
ok ok so ill invest my time
Rachel's Laptop says (11:26 PM):
and energies
Rachel's Laptop says (11:27 PM):
and if nothing else, the sex is phenomenal
matt says (11:27 PM):
shut the fuck up about sex loook beyond that
matt says (11:27 PM):
ur just like a man
matt says (11:27 PM):
thats all u think about
matt says (11:27 PM):
im talking about connection
matt says (11:27 PM):
i can have sex with my hand but im not emotionally connected with it
Rachel's Laptop says (11:27 PM):
well, it HAS been there through the thick and thin
Rachel's Laptop says (11:28 PM):
ok so, im not supposed to think about the sex nor the shoes I could buy, but the emotional connection
matt says (11:28 PM):
just be a friend with the man first
matt says (11:28 PM):
sex second
matt says (11:29 PM):
shoes 256th

matt says (11:32 PM):
im glad u came to me about this
matt says (11:33 PM):
because ur water head girl friends would have filled your mind with grade a hog shit
Rachel's Laptop says (11:33 PM):
Rachel's Laptop says (11:33 PM):
matt says (11:34 PM):
i know its hard as a woman to understand these concepts
matt says (11:34 PM):
when ur world revolves around clothes, money, hello kitty, and jelly beans
matt says (11:34 PM):
but matty will make sense of it for u


her said...

that is the funniest thing ever..."enter the woman". However, I disagree, I am not waterheaded and would not have given you hogwash advice!I AM LEVELHEADED!

her said...

i just want to point out that your time stamp is wrong. i left my comment at 2:27 AM, not 12:27 AM. Also, it is now 2:59am and I'm just not going to go to bed because I just have to get up in less than 3 hours so it just seems pointless, you know? It also feels like 3pm in the afternoon - I also just made a pot of coffee.

her said...

and hello kitty? seriously matt?