Wednesday, October 29, 2008

life is funny, but so are my friends.

So, I think there is some switch in my brain that makes me go a little unstable when I can't control or predict would be very easy to say "stupid boys!" and leave it at that, but since no boy did anything wrong, well, that wouldn't be too fair, now would it? I had a long conversation tonight with one of my besties, Matt, about relationships and how the beginning or end of a relationship can ruin the most logical person's brain. The whole conversation is funny to me because people usually assume that relationship opinions are split down gender lines, but Matt and I pretty much agreed on everything. It is also funny to me that the three best guys I know are always single. Weird.

So, the moral of my story is that I think I am not good with uncertainty. And Matty is a good enough boy to tell me that is okay.

In unrelated news, I think my roommates are going to kick me out of the house because this is what the landing looks like:

Except they are all on the floor, and they are almost all mine.

The nicest, sweetest woman I know just sent me an email saying:

"Chick on cell: He's had his dick in me, but I worry it would be out of line to Facebook friend him. Modern life is so weird."

This overheard is the new motto for my life.

1 comment:

her said...

"the beginning or end of a relationship can ruin the most logical person's brain" true. just own it. love you!