Sunday, November 2, 2008

Please, ma'am may I have another?

So, this whole extra hour thing today is amazing! For the first half of the day I accomplished so much. Granted, the afternoon was kind of a waste, but oh well. I got the CUTEST scarf ever from the Buckle today, and I'm totally in L-O-V-E with it. It is spouse material, not just a one night stand, for sure. Now I am finally excited about it getting cold because I have my neck warming materials set.

I brought Barack down to the living room to live for the next few days. He looks riiiiight at home, although I can tell he misses my bedroom, if you know what I mean.

I also started my Christmas shopping today. Only one item, but all the same - I was prouuuuud of myself. And it's for someone that is an absolute gem, and I want to give it to them now....and I'm really ridiculously bad at waiting to give presents, so this will kill me for two whole months. While I was shopping, I found these shoes that I might be in love with, but it could just be a fling. I still feel pretty passionately about them, but I can't buy shoes till January, so I better get over my crush....but aren't they super cute??

Yea, they don't even have to tell me. If I could find a pic of my scarf, I would put that up too, and then you would also be in love. Forever.

Annnnnnd, two quotes I like today:

"Never apologize for showing feeling. When you do so, you apologize for the truth." ~Benjamin Disraeli

"You can't hide crazy forever." J. Novotny, via, K. Yockey.

1 comment:

her said...

i checked and checked and checked and checked and checked again today to see a post from you and now i have to go to bed to just start the cycle all over again. :(:(:( p.s. happy november 4th!